Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Forgotten Year Part II

      Dr. Russo was THE PERFECT DOCTOR for me!  He said exactly what I needed to hear and had the perfect bedside manner.  After looking at the biopsy results he peeked at his calendar and SAID, "okay I'll see you in three weeks for a lumpectomy."  Hugh?  Are you serious?  Is there any chance I could wake up looking different than than I do right now?(I didn't want any surprises you know!)....and then he said THE MAGIC WORDS,'WHEN YOU WAKE UP YOU COULD WALK                   
TO ME!!  

                across a beach naked and no one will ever know you had this procedure.'  I was shocked and yet elated at the same time!  'I'VE never walked across a beach naked,' I replied... But it's reassuring to know that IF I did I would appear no different than I do at this very moment!  and boy, was I relieved.

       When I tell you this was a wonderful man, a kind, soft spoken, gentle man whose HEart knew my HEaRt needed to be healed above all else. Three weeks had gone by and shortly after the procedure was over, Dr. Russo came into the room excitedly to tell me I was the first case of its kind he'd ever seen!  Although the biopsy results INITIALLY revealed early stages of ductile carcinoma, test results of the 1.7 mm removal of tissue the size of a golf ball said otherwise.  and I've been perfectly fine every since!

       Yes, it was a trying time for me.....  the removal of one lymph-node, and the radiation process I received for precautionary measure was hard on my body, but I am thankful for it could have been much more extreme!  I completed the 30 days of radiation as a precautionary measure.  It was kept minimal; I began my journey  as my love for life grew stronger...  My husband, my babies, church members who brought meals to my home, friends and family I could never thank enough.  I absolutely knew the Lord had a plan for me, and through the prayers of so many,I've come this far!

       Francis Hughes Medical Center in Stroudsburg, PA was the treatment center I decided to go to in that I needed to be close to home.  Our friend Sherry had the same experience as me but her husband advocated on her behalf by saying to the radiologist, "I expect my wife will only experience minor burns because in her case (such as mine) this was merely  a 30 day precautionary treatment.  Hearing this, I begged Sherry to ask her wonderful husband (a man I've never met) to please do same for me!  I begged and she laughed and said 'sure, I will'!

      Mind you, there is a cream that will undoubtedly keep you from blistering available to anyone that is anticipating radiation treatment.... It's called RadiaPlexRx Gel (still provided to me each time I go for my annual checkup and great for harsh sun exposure during the summer months) and the only reason it was given to me is because I knew I HAD TO ask for this product.  Sherry said, 'You have to ask or it will not be given to you'... I may very well not have been this lucky if it weren't for this endearing woman and her empathetic husband.

     This facility was wonderful for a number of reasons:
*Fast, individualized service provided by great technicians
*Most advanced radiation technology (only 8 machines in the country at that time) donated by Frances Hughes.(Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) & Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)—uses computer technology to optimize the delivery of radiation; the Hughes Cancer Center was one of the first cancer centers nationwide to offer IMRT and one the first 50 centers in the world to offer IGRT)
*low doses of radiation were targeted to a very small area.
*They offered yoga to patients once a week for one hour
*I was showered with $500 of cosmetics and a consultation on how       to properly apply my makeup.
*I've received free passes to Camel beach every June in honor of        Relay for Life Foundation, which includes food, family fun games and prizes. Water park passes for only $20.00.
*There were great people in my life who made this road much easier for me to travel and reminded me daily that I was never alone.
        Since then I have developed  a healthier diet, and continue to strive to stay strong and healthy. Other things you may want to consider are---

        *Praying (a time to pray has been proven effective--in 2005 a study showed that the recovery rate for individuals with cancer increased by 80% due to prayer by friends and family members).  This same study revealed that even when a person with cancer received prayer from another unknowingly, a 25% increase in cure rate was the outcome.  The key is to love yourself, practice good habits, make good and sound judgments, take lots of vitamin supplements (check with your doctor first) and think positive.... happy..... lighthearted thoughts......meditate from time to time and YOU will start to see a happier, healthier, fresh new you!

      Take time to read.........  even if its only ten minutes a day. Whatever it takes, clear your head and relax......

      If you choose to do nothing different for YOURSELF, then please please get your mammogram (whether you're a man or a woman) at the recommended age, and an ORAL cancer screening (at any age) if you are active.  Bare in mind, oral cancer is caused by a malignant bacteria and, therefore, this form of contact is no longer safe!  the ORAL CANCER SCREENING is FREE at the Francis Hughes Cancer Center in East Stroudsburg, PA.

P.S. Dr. Russo has currently joined Blue Mountain Health Systems in Lehighton, PA.  Dr. Russo, you are my hero and I thank god I found you when I did! I dedicate this song to YOU and my Husband of thirteen years, and of course, Jesus Christ our savior...  Thanks a million......  Sharon

Old Testament:  O LORD my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me. (Psalms 30:2 NKJV)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

'The Forgotten Year' Part I

      It was the year 2005; my daughters were nearly 2 and 3 and a half.  I went for my routine mammogram and knew there was something different about me.  So the physician went on to explain I had a lump and that it would be wise to have it biopsied.  He recommended a specialist at the same hospital and so I went ahead with the procedure.  Less than two weeks later I received a telephone call that would provoke the early stages of  my resurrection--an event--presently a flash bulb memory of-- sorrow, fear, and frustration.....
      My husband had to run across the street to retrieve me from a neighbors home.  No soon after I picked up the phone to hear my doctor say, "Mrs Thourot, I am so sorry to tell you that you have  ductal carcinoma! My husband expropriated the phone after I whispered the words "ductal carcinoma" to him.  His reaction, "This means your going to do a lumpectomy, right?"  and then the doctor stated "we highly recommend a bilateral mastectomy simultaneous to plastic surgery, this way we are more certain to minimize the likelihood of it returning."  "What???!!!"
     I had 30 days to choose which path I'd take.  I spoke to women over the phone I'd never met in my life and they all had a story to tell....... I'd witnessed bravery first hand...  Courage I couldn't even begin to fathom.  And, yes, I listened intently to each and every story (word for word) that was told to me!

       This event began a cycle of turmoil for me as well.  I fought with my relatives because they insisted I would need to go to Philadelphia or New York in order to receive the best care.  My home became a funeral parlor in that everyone else felt this was the most tragic thing that could ever happen to me.  A new family, the one I waited for all my life, and now, in an instant, could all be taken away from me?  

        I am sure everyone had their own agenda, their reasons for my despair, mostly all were deeply sorrowed by my despair in one way or another...  I could hear the echoes of their thoughts pervade the room; "the children,"  "my brother", "my daughter"  ....  I would imagine..... 

        Remember the THREE QUESTION rule I've spoken to you about?  You know, ask three people the same question and then compare notes.... well, it was time!  So me, my husband, and my oldest brother went to a hospital in Hackensack to see a doctor (Dr. Davies I believe) that was recommended to me by a woman I met over the phone.  We heard great things about this man.  His opinion was that I needed to pursue more tests because the biopsy results were inconclusive.  Then he gave us the name of his counterpart who practiced at the same hospital..  We simply had to walk to another building...

       The SECOND physician I saw was a wise and noble man as well. A bit more extreme then Dr. Davies, but he was the PILL I NEEDED at thE time.  He sat us down, looked at my report, looked at me and asked, "what did he tell you to do?"  and so I told him.... He replied, "no way! that's absurd!"  So, you see, the answer to my PRAYERS were beginning to take hold!  I cannot tell you the wave of relief that streamed through my veins!  

      The THIRD doctor would be the FINAL one!  He was exactly what my brother, the middle one if you recall, whose words would now echo in my head.....  "The right doctor will know what to say, and HOW to say it."  "He will be the one to put your mind at ease."

Old Testament: "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds," declares the LORD. Jeremiah 30:17 
To be continued....


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A K9 Named Shelby

      Whenever I take my K9's to the groomer I get to chattin with her because she's taught me so much!  For example, after an in-depth conversation I decided to put them on a healthier diet.  Considering Labs have very delicate digestive tracts, I decided that the best thing for my K9's was to mix their old food with one of higher quality. Taste of the Wild is highly recommended for large dogs-I use the 40lb bag of Bison mixed with a 25 lb bag of Kibbles and Bits and it lasts (for the two dogs) about a month.  My dogs are now  healthier and leaner.  Not to mention, Shelby, when she was given to me two years ago at age four, had an arthritic limp in her right leg that's now gone!  Diet and exercise are the two reasons why Shelby and her brother are much healthier now.
        Well, one day I walked into the shop and began discussing a cyst on Shelby's back with the groomer/shop owner.  I made the comment that she, having been around dogs her entire life, had always given me advice I could trust, and that I found her to be very knowledgeable and a reliable resource that helped me care for our dogs.  She insisted ( in a humble manner) that her experience was predominantly to help the external needs of the dog, but as far as internal care goes, I would need to see a veterinarian.  I knew the cyst was a common thing so I did not really put much thought into it at the time.

      Several weeks later Shelby's cyst burst; excreting a bit of fluid, some blood, then healed into a scab.  My husband was told to clean it with peroxide and let it heal.  The wound formed a scab that went away very quickly, nevertheless he (my husband) took her back to the veterinarian for a follow up visit.  My reaction to this situation was that which I could only think of how similar it seemed to when my daughters ear drum popped. (Both situations involved the pressure of fluid causing rupture to occur). Except this was not the doggies ear, it was a cyst on the top side of her back.  My husband took her to the vet as a precautionary measure and do you believe she was immediately scheduled for surgery?  Why, I'm not sure.  But we were nervous and upset as he was told she could have a cancerous tumor and it could spread.  So we went through with it...  A week or two later we were told it was simply scar tissue and she was just fine.  From what I gather, we'd been taken for about $800 when it was already a situation that took care of itself.

      This is what some doctors do to individuals who are in a vulnerable state and are at their mercy, rather than help us holistically (with less invasive approaches) to heal and be whole.  The only thing we could do at this point was schedule the dogs to meet with a new medical veterinary group for routine check ups and such.  Just another example of how you could avoid mistreatment.  Perhaps the best way to search for a cure is to search the internet; but in some cases, especially when its your child or your pet, you would like to speak to someone in person.  What ever happened to humanity, kindness, and care in this world?

New Testament--“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” (ESV)
Proverbs 12:10

New Testament--
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

1 Timothy 6:10

Mrs. Sharon M. Perrotta-Thourot

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

'When We Surrender For The Sake of Our Loved Ones'

   My precious baby girl, my first  born child.  As I entered the pediatricians  office; a physician who was also a woman and a mother, insisted my daughter needed surgery.  I was made to feel as though I was a negligent caretaker unless I obeyed such harsh intervention.  Unless I scheduled surgery immediately for an Acute Middle  Ear Infection, I would be considered nothing less than a   negligent                                                                 mother.
     What was I to do?   A new mother expecting to leave the doctors office with a prescription and all of the sudden I was hit with a decision that made absolutely no sense to me!  I thought of a chiropractor in town who was known for his conscious effort to practice holistically and so I paid him a visit right away, in fact, I went straight to him.  
      The first thing I stated to him is that my little girl was scheduled for a 6 am surgical procedure.  He must have heard this from mothers at least a dozen of times because with no avail he replied, "why would you do a thing like that?"  He then went on to say---'The worst case scenario is that the babies ear is going to do what it's suppose to do and that's pop as a result of pressure.'  Dr. Kahn then stated "Healing will occur, and within a day, your child will be perfectly back to normal."  I was left speechless!

My brother (the middle child) always said, 'When you find a doctors' words to be comforting is when you will know he's the right one for you!'  It was at this very moment and time I looked up at him with my eyes wide open and knew he was telling me the truth!   

Many doctor's are going to suggest invasive medical treatment.  It's up to you to say 
'I don't want you to go overboard, so please provide me with the care I need --- no more and no less!I went home and cancelled the surgery right away!  Her ear did EXACTLY what Dr. Kahn said it would do... for me, it made a bleeding nose seem much worse!
                            The logic I used was this:  How could I be told my daughter needs 
                              surgery when she's never experienced more than 2 ear infections in 
                                       an entire year?How could I rationalize with this?  
There are extenuating 
but the first 
flag is 
if your child is 
experiencing infections no less 
                                                     than once a month.  Also, when I followed 
through as a precautionary measure (because I was 
made to be so fearful that I was hurting my baby girl) I went 
ahead and took her for a full examination by an ear, nose, throat specialist...  
I was told she had the potential of losing her hearing, developing speech impairment, 
you name it! I couldn't believe it so I met with her preschool teachers at Ark II Nursery and from that day on asked if my daughter seemed to have any trouble hearing.  Sure enough, I was told "NO WAY" never!!
      Set your self doubt free because you know your child better than anyone else!  Another piece of great advice I was given by a great man, a physician, was --- ask a question no less than three times...each time to a different doctor or medical professional.  Is there a correlation between the three responses? Another great source is your local pharmacist.