My precious baby girl, my first born child. As I entered the pediatricians office; a physician who was also a woman and a mother, insisted my daughter needed surgery. I was made to feel as though I was a negligent caretaker unless I obeyed such harsh intervention. Unless I scheduled surgery immediately for an Acute Middle Ear Infection, I would be considered nothing less than a negligent mother.
My precious baby girl, my first born child. As I entered the pediatricians office; a physician who was also a woman and a mother, insisted my daughter needed surgery. I was made to feel as though I was a negligent caretaker unless I obeyed such harsh intervention. Unless I scheduled surgery immediately for an Acute Middle Ear Infection, I would be considered nothing less than a negligent mother.
What was I to do? A new mother expecting to leave the doctors office with a prescription and all of the sudden I was hit with a decision that made absolutely no sense to me! I thought of a chiropractor in town who was known for his conscious effort to practice holistically and so I paid him a visit right away, in fact, I went straight to him.
The first thing I stated to him is that my little girl was scheduled for a 6 am surgical procedure. He must have heard this from mothers at least a dozen of times because with no avail he replied, "why would you do a thing like that?" He then went on to say---'The worst case scenario is that the babies ear is going to do what it's suppose to do and that's pop as a result of pressure.' Dr. Kahn then stated "Healing will occur, and within a day, your child will be perfectly back to normal." I was left speechless!
My brother (the middle child) always said, 'When you find a doctors' words to be comforting is when you will know he's the right one for you!' It was at this very moment and time I looked up at him with my eyes wide open and knew he was telling me the truth!
Many doctor's are going to suggest invasive medical treatment. It's up to you to say
'I don't want you to go overboard, so please provide me with the care I need --- no more and no less!I went home and cancelled the surgery right away! Her ear did EXACTLY what Dr. Kahn said it would do... for me, it made a bleeding nose seem much worse!
The logic I used was this: How could I be told my daughter needs
surgery when she's never experienced more than 2 ear infections in
an entire year?How could I rationalize with this?
surgery when she's never experienced more than 2 ear infections in
an entire year?How could I rationalize with this?
There are extenuating
but the first
flag is
if your child is
experiencing infections no less
than once a month. Also, when I followed
through as a precautionary measure (because I was
made to be so fearful that I was hurting my baby girl) I went
ahead and took her for a full examination by an ear, nose, throat specialist...
I was told she had the potential of losing her hearing, developing speech impairment,
you name it! I couldn't believe it so I met with her preschool teachers at Ark II Nursery and from that day on asked if my daughter seemed to have any trouble hearing. Sure enough, I was told "NO WAY" never!!
Set your self doubt free because you know your child better than anyone else! Another piece of great advice I was given by a great man, a physician, was --- ask a question no less than three times...each time to a different doctor or medical professional. Is there a correlation between the three responses? Another great source is your local pharmacist.
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