Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A K9 Named Shelby

      Whenever I take my K9's to the groomer I get to chattin with her because she's taught me so much!  For example, after an in-depth conversation I decided to put them on a healthier diet.  Considering Labs have very delicate digestive tracts, I decided that the best thing for my K9's was to mix their old food with one of higher quality. Taste of the Wild is highly recommended for large dogs-I use the 40lb bag of Bison mixed with a 25 lb bag of Kibbles and Bits and it lasts (for the two dogs) about a month.  My dogs are now  healthier and leaner.  Not to mention, Shelby, when she was given to me two years ago at age four, had an arthritic limp in her right leg that's now gone!  Diet and exercise are the two reasons why Shelby and her brother are much healthier now.
        Well, one day I walked into the shop and began discussing a cyst on Shelby's back with the groomer/shop owner.  I made the comment that she, having been around dogs her entire life, had always given me advice I could trust, and that I found her to be very knowledgeable and a reliable resource that helped me care for our dogs.  She insisted ( in a humble manner) that her experience was predominantly to help the external needs of the dog, but as far as internal care goes, I would need to see a veterinarian.  I knew the cyst was a common thing so I did not really put much thought into it at the time.

      Several weeks later Shelby's cyst burst; excreting a bit of fluid, some blood, then healed into a scab.  My husband was told to clean it with peroxide and let it heal.  The wound formed a scab that went away very quickly, nevertheless he (my husband) took her back to the veterinarian for a follow up visit.  My reaction to this situation was that which I could only think of how similar it seemed to when my daughters ear drum popped. (Both situations involved the pressure of fluid causing rupture to occur). Except this was not the doggies ear, it was a cyst on the top side of her back.  My husband took her to the vet as a precautionary measure and do you believe she was immediately scheduled for surgery?  Why, I'm not sure.  But we were nervous and upset as he was told she could have a cancerous tumor and it could spread.  So we went through with it...  A week or two later we were told it was simply scar tissue and she was just fine.  From what I gather, we'd been taken for about $800 when it was already a situation that took care of itself.

      This is what some doctors do to individuals who are in a vulnerable state and are at their mercy, rather than help us holistically (with less invasive approaches) to heal and be whole.  The only thing we could do at this point was schedule the dogs to meet with a new medical veterinary group for routine check ups and such.  Just another example of how you could avoid mistreatment.  Perhaps the best way to search for a cure is to search the internet; but in some cases, especially when its your child or your pet, you would like to speak to someone in person.  What ever happened to humanity, kindness, and care in this world?

New Testament--“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” (ESV)
Proverbs 12:10

New Testament--
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

1 Timothy 6:10

Mrs. Sharon M. Perrotta-Thourot

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